The experience outlined below are an indication of the type of activities that could be designed, depending on the individual needs and culture of your organisation
Taster sessions around creativity
These are short, fun, creative activities that bring people together, help them let off steam or express themselves in new ways. These taster sessions can be part of a company away day, team building sessions or as a complement to other corporate/organisational training activities. They’re anything from a couple of hours to a full day.
Examples of activities include the ‘Build, decorate and fly your own kite’ session or ‘create your own ink and bleach map of London’ session. Other activities, such as painting to music or exploring and painting how we sense our world are also potential activities. The main aim of these sessions is encouraging participants to get into creative flow and encouraging them to think differently and move out of a ‘work’ mindset.
As well as a professional artist, Laura has worked in the creative industries for over 15 years, designing and delivering creative sessions with everyone from Nike to the NHS.
She won awards: A Creative Pioneer Programme Award run by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and a Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship Award from the British Council, where she worked with and advised creative businesses in Asia.
Laura is a professional international artist and published poet, who in her first year successfully sold over 30 works of art across 10 countries and 4 continents, delivered 4 art commissions and designed and delivered a large-scale mural in the reception of a blue-chip music publishing business. She is represented by two London galleries. She has advised and worked with the Affordable Art Fair.
Her experience as both an art practitioner and a business consultant means Laura understands the wider contextual and creative factors influencing artists, designers and business people, and the trends and forces impacting the changing world around us.
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